November 17, 2009
Gheorghe Mogosan 8.XII.1957 - 13.XI.2009
Mogosan Gheorghe. 8.XII.1957 - 13.XI.2009
November 4, 2009
October 17, 2009
Musical Moment
Nicolae Kirculescu - Moment Muzical [Teleenciclopedia]
Asculta mai multe audio Muzica
Saturday Morning Symphonic
Beethoven had originally conceived of dedicating the symphony to Napoleon Bonaparte. The biographer Maynard Solomon relates that Beethoven admired the ideals of the French Revolution, and Napoleon as their embodiment. In the autumn the composer began to have second thoughts about that dedication. It would have deprived him of a fee that he would receive if he instead dedicated the symphony to Prince Franz Joseph Maximillian Lobkowitz. Nevertheless, he still considered giving the work the title of Bonaparte.
When Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor of the French in May 1804, Beethoven became disgusted and went to the table where the completed score lay. He took hold of the title-page and scratched the name Bonaparte out so violently with a knife that he created a hole in the paper.[1] He later changed the title to Sinfonia eroica, composta per festeggiare il sovvenire d'un grand'uomo ("heroic symphony, composed to celebrate the memory of a great man"). His assistant Ferdinand Ries tells the story in his biography of Beethoven:
“ | In writing this symphony Beethoven had been thinking of Buonaparte, but Buonaparte while he was First Consul. At that time Beethoven had the highest esteem for him and compared him to the greatest consuls of ancient Rome. Not only I, but many of Beethoven's closer friends, saw this symphony on his table, beautifully copied in manuscript, with the word "Buonaparte" inscribed at the very top of the title-page and "Ludwig van Beethoven" at the very bottom. …I was the first to tell him the news that Buonaparte had declared himself Emperor, whereupon he broke into a rage and exclaimed, "So he is no more than a common mortal! Now, too, he will tread under foot all the rights of man, indulge only his ambition; now he will think himself superior to all men, become a tyrant!" Beethoven went to the table, seized the top of the title-page, tore it in half and threw it on the floor. The page had to be re-copied and it was only now that the symphony received the title "Sinfonia eroica."[2] | ” |
However, the road to titling of the work Eroica had further turns. After completing the work, Beethoven wrote to his publisher in the summer of 1804 that "The title of the symphony is reallyBonaparte." The final title was not applied to the work until the parts were published in October, 1806. In fact, Schindler tells us that upon hearing of the French Emperor's death in Saint Helena in 1821, Beethoven proclaimed "I wrote the music for this sad event seventeen years ago" - referring to the Funeral March (second movement).
Beethoven wrote most of the symphony in late 1803 and completed it in early 1804. The symphony was premiered privately in summer 1804 in his patron Prince Lobkowitz's castle Eisenberg (Jezeri) in Bohemia. The first public performance was given in Vienna's Theater an der Wien on April 7, 1805 with the composer conducting.
September 11, 2009
August 17, 2009
August 8, 2009
Movits! - Wrong side of the garden
I grew up with gypsies
playing accordion
wanting to tell my future
while my dad emptied a bottle of explorer [cheap vodka]
taught myself to play guitar and those chords
djangos quintett playing from the grammophone
with second hand suits in the closets
and brass bands live every night in the garden
it started out good but then the problems came
stepped in the shit early, and the tax bill
i mean the responsibilities
the justice system
the likelihood is small, the unemployment office admits
maybe one should change name or
sell the mobile home or
knock out the gold tooth
but some time the prejudice must be caught up with
You can call me an outsider
because i didn’t do what the others did when they did what people did back in the days
excuse if I interrupt
no, im not the neighbour above
but the old lady calls the cops every time and says that i make the noise
Coming from the right side of town
Thats the problem
I grew up in the nicest neighbourhoods
My daddy's a designer and more
My other dad is already late
Me, I was just a kid and adopted
So school was very hard and complicated
Because my classmates thought it was wrong that
And the teacher would soon retire
Not their fault that
Things turned out the way they did
according to recommendations from the holy scripture
johans dad “watch out, he’s the anti christ!”
according to miss teacher who tried to explain it sure
maybe we should have shot’er
or carried her out of th’re
now she’s dead and lies in the urn
but in some way the words still live on
Peace out
I barely have any time to listen to your criticism
not Lykke Li
but pretty happy [Lycklig]
so lady please give me a chance and listen to my music
but no
Not “when in rome”
If the spoon is silver I”ll take it when I come
They've said so many times
So thanks but no thanks, I”ll find the exit
But everything is just a dream
I’m swedish, so I skip the queue
I’m a man, too and I have a higher wage
As long as I'm not sitting unemployed
I like the opposite sex
So kid I’m hardly what you call a fag
But kid I might be what you call slow
cause I don’t understand what you’re saying even if I hear you
Dance Wedding
July 25, 2009
July 19, 2009
Google Voice
It's gonna be HUGE.
Basically: all people can have one general number that can be theirs forever and ever and ever (cause that's how long Google is going to last) and they can customize where they get their calls. I'll redirect my friends to my cell and people who i loathe to google voicemail which is so cool cause it's online, and everyone knows everything is better online.
Very nice move for Google, if they pull this off, they're going to be twice as huge!
Dinner chat
If any of you can relate to "storm" from this poem, i want to dedicate this next song to you:
July 16, 2009
The slideshow in HD
This youtube version is much better.
Details like strands of hair or textures can now be observed.
Sound is also alot better. It's certainly worth the wait to load in HD.
July 15, 2009
A new Slideshow
The songs from Miike Snow inspired me to do this. I love this band. I can't say if they are the next a-Ha, but i will say this is the best band to come out of the viking's land since Röyksopp.
Songs are: Black and Blue and Song for no one.
July 14, 2009
April 25, 2009
Hermanstadt, Ahrensburg, Hamburg march 2009
March 17, 2009
The (not so) Blue Danube
Atheneul Român
Şcoala de Arhitectură
Proteste scrise împotriva presupusei crize
Lipscani I
Lipscani II
Lipscani III
The street photographer in her natural emviorement: Lipscani
Aici sunt banii dumneavoastră!
Casa Poporului - Nice...
Atheneul - interior
Concert la Atheneu
Atheneul seara